Showing 13 - 17 of 17 item(s)

Just Because Bouquet


The Just Because Bouquet is a sweet surprise to send your special someone! Featuring a pineapple-shaped heart, and a dozen gourmet chocolate-covered strawberries, it's a fun and tasty way to show how much you care. It may...



Wish your friend, sister, mother, brother, or just about anyone an amazing day with our AMAZING DAY FRUIT BOUQUET! This fresh fruit arrangement includes white and dark chocolate covered and swizzled apple wedges, swizzled chocolate...



The Butterfly Bouquet is a wonderful gift to give. A butterfly has different meanings to different people but symbolizes change, hope, and life to many. A meaningful gift is always well received. This bouquet includes:...

Charcuterie Platter (12-15 people)


Having a Mother's Day brunch? We've partnered with our friends at Vittle to bring you an extraordinary Charcuterie platter for this special day of celebration. This platter features a variety of four cured meats and...

High Heel Bouquet


We had some fun making this fruit bouquet filled with high heels! Do you know someone who refuses to wear flats and only heels? This may very well be the perfect gift for them! Included...

Showing 13 - 17 of 17 item(s)